About the Author:
Rabbi Sharon G. Forman was raised in Norfolk, Virginia, and was ordained as a Reform rabbi by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in 1994 in New York. A Yale University graduate, she also holds a master's degree from Columbia Teachers College. As director of the religious school at Manhattan’s Temple Shaaray Tefila for seven years, she also served as an associate rabbi and director of youth activities. For the past ten years, she has “coached” Bar and Bat Mitzvah students at Westchester Reform Temple. The author of Honest Answers to Your Child’s Jewish Questions (URJ Press, 2006), she contributed to The Sacred Encounter, edited by Rabbi Lisa J. Grushcow. Due to her mother’s influence, the Cincinnati Reds are her second favorite baseball team. If any players on the New York Mets would like to come to her house for seder, there is always an extra seat at the table.
About the Illustrator:
Lisa J. Teitelbaum was raised in Eastchester, New York. While in high school, she traveled with friends on several vacations to watch Yankee spring training. She fondly remembers waiting for the players at the gate to get their autographs. At Cornell University, she earned her bachelor's degree in Urban and Regional Studies and a master's degree in Regional Planning. Lisa holds a law degree from New York University and has served on her local school board. While this is her rookie outing in the field of Haggadah illustration, she is a lifelong student of art.
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